Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Blog!!!

I am new to the blog world and really don't know where to start. I wanted to start a blog to have a log of events that happen in my life. As a mother of 3, these things can be daily, weekly or who even knows hourly. I want to be able to one day go back and read about these things and say... Oh, I remember how funny, sweet or disastrous that was!

I am finding right now that Bella is forcing me to stay awake later than I wish, so blogging should be a fun thing to do. I love my Little Baby Bella, but I love for her to sleep also. The last week she has found, that sleeping is for the birds. It has been after 11:00 every night before I can get her in her crib. I know that this is just a phase, or should I say I sure hope it is. The only problem is who can say no to a face as cute as hers!!!!

Last night, we had a meeting at Harper's school and just her and I went. I love when I can get some one on one time with the kids. With 3 it sometimes is hard but so worth it. Anyways, in the meeting was another mom. She came in with her baby in a carrier. I saw Harper watching her get the baby out and start to feed it her bottle. She then looks as me and says, "Mommy look at that cute little baby." I said, "I know isn't it so sweet...You think we need another one." She said," Yes mommy we do...Bella is just getting too fat!" How funny is that. Harper loves her some babies, and she is such a sweet big girl.

Like I said...Finding one on one time daily with the kids can be tricky. I have learned when I get my Mason time in. Everyday he tells me how much he is a daddy's boy. At the end of almost everyday, he makes his way out of his bed and back downstairs. He waits until both the girls are in bed. He comes down crawls in my lap on the couch. He usually will watch a little tv and then he says, "I need someone to carry me to my bed." I then carry him back up the stairs tuck him back in and off to dreams he goes!

As I am typing, I am hoping that my Baby Bella goes to have some sweet dreams herself...So mommy can follow soon after!

Night all,


1 comment:

  1. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF BLOGGING!! I'm Karen, from the D.C. area and found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I have 3 kids too, 3 boys. ALWAYS WANTED A LITTLE GIRL (I'm an extemely "PINK GIRLY-GIRL")and your girls are adorable. Your little blonde hair boys looks like quite the charmer; precious. Look forward to your posts:)
